
Monday, October 18, 2010

Birthday Boy

A cool rock star shirt for a cool dude
He doesn't like all.
Waiting for party guests
 Knocking over soda cans with a wiffle ball.
It looks like he is showing Alex how to do it, but she was the first to try!
Go Lucas Go!
Ryan scored!  Woody (actual movie size) from Lucas and Alex
Buzz Lightyear from Busi (Boo-shee) and Grandpa!  Now he can act out scenes!
Forgive the quality of this picture.  And if you can't tell, it is red...blood red Dracula teeth sitting on top of those cupcakes!
It wore him out, but sadly he also got sick.  Thankfully that waited until AFTER the party!


Sandy said...

Happy Birthday to your boy.. looks like he did so much and then crashed!
Thank you for your visit and your sweet comments on the aprons post.. I also have one but it hangs on a hook!
Good to hear from you Lourie..

Emmy said...

Oh that last picture, so sad. Speaking of pictures, I need to send you the pictures I took from his party.

Glad he likes Woody

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Happy Belated Birthday.
wow, sorry for missing out so much.